La Mama Theatre is an iconic theatre located in Carlton, Victoria which tragically was gutted by fire in 2018.......but this beauty is rising from the ashes. Originally built in 1883 as a print works, the building is typical of simple industrial buildings of the Victorian period. The brickwork itself is characterised handmade utilitarian waterstruck (slop-moulded) bricks often characterised by crease marks caused by the wet stacking of the wet bricks before transport to the kiln.
Working with architect and building designer Meg White, A&R Durran Bricklaying, Chroma Group and La Mama Theatre we are helping in the rebuild of this iconic landmark building. With an eye to its historical significance and the fire that has scarred this building, we are providing handmade and hand glazed bricks. Being handmade, these bricks are sympathetic to the handmade bricks of the original build, however, we are also introducing an entirely bespoke burnt glazed brick to reference its more recent trial by fire. The result will be outstanding brickwork that speaks to the buildings early origins and its more recent past. #lamama #architecture #design #glazedbricks #handmadebricks #waterstruckbricks

Clockwise: a) Bespoke burnt glazed bricks developed specifically for La Mama Theatre referencing its recent history. b) Image of the aftermath of the blaze that consumed the building. c) Artists impression of the reborn La Mama Theatre (Renders by Cottee Parker Architects. Original design by Meg White).